====== Welcome to the Federated Amateur Radio Packet Network Wiki ====== ---- ===== About FARPN ===== * [[about-us|About Us]] * [[our-projects|Our Projects]] * [[list-of-active-nodes|List of Active FARPN Nodes]] * [[nets|FARPN and other Packet Nets]] ===== FARPN Tutorials and Resources ===== * [[introduction-to-packet-radio|Introduction to Packet Radio]] * [[getting-connected|Getting Connected]] * [[software-configuration-tutorials|Software Configuration Tutorials]] * [[hardware-and-station-considerations|Hardware and Station Considerations for Packet]] * [[packet-networking|Other Packet Radio Resources]] * [[packet-radio-development-resources|Packet Radio Development Resources]] * [[bpq-notes|BPQ Maintenance Notes]] ===== FARPN wiki meta-pages ===== * [[todo|ToDo List]] * [[wiki-contributions-style-guide|Contributing to the Wiki and Style Guide]]