====== WoAD ====== ----- WoAD is developed by VA7YAA, see details at https://woad.sumusltd.com/. WoAD is billed as "bringing the functionality of Winlink to your Android device," but since version 1.4.89 has included a packet terminal that can be used to interact with packet nodes using an Android device, TNC, and transceiver. For example, a local VHF/UHF BPQ node can be accessed using Android, a [[http://www.mobilinkd.com/|Mobilinkd]] device, and an HT. That local node may provide local [[packet-applications|services]], or allow connections via HF/VHF/AXUDP to other packet nodes. Configuration examples will be added below as additional testing is done. ===== Example 1 ===== Here are some screenshots of WoAD version 1.5.3 with a Mobilinkd TNC2 attached to a Yaesu FT-60 HT. This assumes that the Mobilinkd has already been set up to work with your Android device and radio. Main settings (three-dot menu, upper right, then "Settings") need your callsign and a unique SSID for this transceiver "station". You do not need a Winlink password. {{:woad-05-settings.jpg?direct&400|Screenshot showing an open menu with these items: Messages, Settings, Sessions, Logs, Contacts, Other, About}} {{:woad-06-settings.jpg?direct&400|Screenshot showing these settings you can change: Call sign, SSID, Winlink password, Keep log entries for (weeks):, Message template, Automated acknowledgement, Request message acknowledgement by default, Export location, Auxiliary call signs and tactical addresses, Theme}} The terminal screen is found under the three-dot menu (upper right), then under the "Other" menu item. {{:woad-01-menu.jpg?direct&400|Screenshot showing an open menu with these items: Messages Settings Sessions Logs Contacts Other About}} {{:woad-02-other.jpg?direct&400|Screenshot showing an open menu with these items: Catalog query, GRIB file request, Position report, Summarize (ICS 309), Terminals, Weather}} Each node you might connect to (callsign-SSID) is set up as a separate terminal. Click on the name of the terminal to open the settings, or select three-dots (bottom right), then "Add" to add a new terminal. {{:woad-03-terminals.jpg?direct&400|Screenshot showing a table with one entry and these columns: Name, Status, Protocol, Settings}} Here are settings examples for a single terminal. {{:woad-07-termsettings.jpg?direct&400|Screenshot showing these settings: Name, Protocol, Settings, Notes}} {{:woad-08-termsettings.jpg?direct&400|Screenshot showing these options for Protocol: Telnet, Packet, ARDOP.1, VARA HF, VARA FM, WA8DED}} {{:woad-09-termsettings.jpg?direct&400|Screenshot showing these settings for Packet (Outgoing): Destination address, TNC settings, TNC type, TNC configuration}} {{:woad-10-termsettings.jpg?direct&400|Screenshot showing these options for TNC type: Audio, KISS}} TNC settings were left as default. {{:woad-11-termsettings.jpg?direct&400|Screenshot showing these settings for TNC settings: Tx delay (ms), Maximum packet length, Maximum outstanding frames, Frack time (sec), Persistence, Slot time (ms), Maximum retries, Tx tail (ms)}} {{:woad-12-termsettings.jpg?direct&400|Screenshot showing these settings for KISS connection: Connection type, Connection configuration; Device initialization: Device manufacturer, Device model, Device configuration; KISS: Port number}} Once the terminal is set up, you can push the "play" (right-pointing triangle at bottom) to start the session. You can do this from any point it is visible on the screen, so you don't have to back out of settings first. WoAD will attempt the connection automatically according to the "Destination address" in the terminal settings. Then you will be able to enter commands by clicking "Terminal input," which will bring up a keyboard. Be advised that the incoming text may not always scroll to the bottom automatically (I have not checked to see if this is a known issue). Here are example screenshots from two different sessions. Sharp eyes will note a few commands that were sent before the other node was finished replying to previous commands. {{:woad-13-run.jpg?direct&400|Screenshot showing received text: *** < Connected to W1CDN at 2024-11-17 20:52:49 < Welcome to East Grand Forks, MN! < BBS CONNECT BYE INFO NODES ROUTES PORTS USERS MHEARD < DE W1CDN > }} {{:woad-14-run.jpg?direct&400|Screenshot showing additional received text, none of it super important :-)}}