Example for APRS in BPQ

This will act as an iGate from RF, but will not digipeat or gate from APRS-IS to RF.

In this example, port 2 is HF and port 4 is UHF.

This block of text can go at the end of the BPQ32.cfg file, for example, if on Windows.

After this is set up and BPQ restarted, there should be some new links in the web interface.

Link to the APRS dashboard: http://localhost:8008/aprs/all.html

Link to the APRS map: http://localhost:8008/aprs.html

In BPQ32 (Windows), you can look at APRS-IS activity by selecting the “BPQ32 Console,” “Monitor” window, “Config → Trace APRS-IS” menu item. This is helpful if you are checking your APRS-IS connection or filters. Select the “Console” window, “Actions → “Re-read APRS Config” menu item to refresh from the config file without starting all of BPQ32 again.

 ;RUN BPQAPRS.exe ; shouldn't need this if I can get the web map going. This is the mapping 
 ; application and pulls from IS.

 Symbol=a ; Icon to display for station.
 Symset=B ; This combination of Symbol and Symset gives a "BBS" icon.

 ; Specify a Dest Addreess and Path for each port you want to use for APRS. No dest means receive only port
 ; Ports without an APRSPath statement will not be used by the Digi
 ; Note if you specify APRS as the destination call it will be replaced by the current BPQ32 APRS
 ; identification destination - APBPQ1. If you really want to send APRS, specify APRS-0. 
 APRSPath 2=; Receive only port (blank)
 APRSPath 4=;
 RXONLY=1; Do not gate IS to RF (https://groups.io/g/bpq32/message/36422)

 ; Define Crossport Digi. For each port, a list of ports to send a packet to (IS means send to APRS-IS)
 ; If a Digimap isn't specified for a port, digi out on the port the packet arrived on,
 ; and send to APRS-IS (if enabled)
 ; If you want to digi on same port, but not send to APRS-IS, Specify Digimap n=n 
 ; If you dont want to digi on a port, specify Digimap n=
 ; If you only have one APRS port, you probably don't need a Digimap statement
 Digimap 2=IS ; Packets from 2 to APRS-IS
 Digimap 4=IS; Packets from 2 to APRS-IS
 ; Receive only port is (blank)

 ;Time (in Minutes) after which a station will be deleted from the station list if nothing is heard from it. 
 ; Specify position. You can specify a fixed LAT/LONG, or use GPS

 LAT=4757.48N ; Must be in standard APRS Format (ddmm.mmN/S)
 LON=09801.61W ; Must be in standard APRS Format (dddmm.mmE/W)
 ; IGATE Params. If specified you will gate RF packets and your beacons to APRS-IS
 ISHost=noam.aprs2.net  ; APRS-IS Host Name. May be either an IPV4 or an IPV6 Host
 ISPort=14580 ; Normal port for a filtered feed
 ISPasscode=YOURPASSCODE ; If you don't already have a passcode I can issue you one.
 ; You can specify a filter command to be sent when you log on to APRS-IS. Normally you don't
 ; need one. The APRS Mapping Application (BPQAPRS) sets a filter when it starts,
 ; and if you aren't running an APRS application, there isn't much point in getting info from APRS-IS
 ;ISFilter=m/0 ; Filter Command if needed. This is the default filter (stations within 50 km of your station).
 ISFilter=r/47/97/0.1 ; r/lat/lon/dist, set to 0.1 km radius (minimum allowed value) try to filter out all IS data 
 LOGAPRSIS=1 ; Log APRS activity

 ; The **** below is required and needs to be at the same indent level as APRSDIGI above