Contributions to the FARPN Wiki are welcome and encouraged! Cleaning up or editing an existing page, or adding new pages and tutorials are great ways to get involved. Please reach out via our Matrix chat in the #Wiki
room in order to get started. We'll get you set up with an account, and answer any questions you might have.
See DokuWiki syntax help page for documentation on formatting.
These are the only strict rules around editing the wiki.
Everything else below are best practices we want to encourage, primarily focused on formatting to make things consistent. But the goal here is to contribute, so this should be viewed as helpful tips, not a list of rules.
Have an idea for a new page, or an inkling of one? Check the drafts page before starting an article, it's possible someone else stubbed something out. There's also the ToDo list if you've got a spark of an idea but not time to create a page.
Try not to write in the first person, but writing tutorials with “we” and “you” is acceptable. When editing, try to follow the existing writing style than completely rewriting it.
Where possible, be clear and concise.
Keep examples as simple as possible. Clearly denote what parts of examples must be changed by the person following them. It is good to define the information to change before providing example text.
Clearly state when things are optional, or may only apply in certain situations.
Specify the filename and suggested location before providing any example text.
around command line programs and filenames.
Put <code></code>
tags around any big blocks of configuration files or program examples. Use a $
in front of lines that show running commands.
Use headings liberally, with the highest level heading for the page title, sections with the second highest level, and sub-sections with the third highest level. Do not skip levels of headings.